
Membership Administration

Manage your OBOA membership

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Recovery Options

Your OBOA login is the permission that you use for everything you do with OBOA web services, like when you pay for membership, sign in to the Members Area of the website to review your members records and more. To reset your password, you need to know the email address for your OBOA ID. If you forgot your username or password you can recover them here. If you forgot these credentials, you can reset your password and find your username. (change password)

Common Member Service Areas

MEMBERS - Areas of the website that are set aside for those who pay membership fees.

EMPAD - For designated Administrators providing secure multiple payments on behalf of OBOA member's memberships. If you feel that your municipality can benefit from large membership payments, contact the OBOA office to be added to the system. With our multipayment system you can track, reprint invoices or payments in mass for your Municipal records.

ECAPP - A tool for creating and harvesting OBOA Certification Education Credits. With ECAPP you can plan, create and save custom sessions or events that qualify for Education Credits towards OBOA's Certfication Cycle. Uploading your attendance has never been eaiser, just point and click on partisipants special bar code to catalog their attendance.

DIRECTORS - Board of Directors meeting or otherwise support material related to Director's committees.

COMMITTEES - AMTS or other groups with support material involved in OBOA Business.

MEMBER AFFINITY SERIVCES - This section is designed to assist our active membership regarding value-added member services and products to OBOA members through a variety of partners with the OBOA Member Services program. With preparation the OBOA has created tangible benefits for our members on a personal level. Combined, options offer unparalleled value and a quality of service that will encourage new and past members to return.