Training & Education
We are committed to your success. That’s why the OBOA is the top choice for professional development of Building Officials across Canada.
Continuing Professional Development Program
OBOA members are dedicated and trained professionals, ensuring public safety for the people who live, work, learn and play in Ontario. These qualities are further recognized under by individuals who obtain their Certified Building Code Officer (CBCO) or Building Code Qualified (BCQ) designation through the OBOA. The Continuing Professional Development Program (CPDP) is a requirement for Certified Members to maintain these designations which ensure our membership is current with code and industry updates while preserving the integrity and validity of the Building Officials Position. Through obtaining your certification and the ongoing completion of CPDP, members enhanced credibility and value to Certificate holders and ensures their recognition by others in the building industry.
Requirements for Maintaining Certification
1. Each Member is responsible for maintaining their Certification.
(a) remain in good standing with the Association, and
(b) acquire the necessary Continuing Professional Development Program Credits.
(c) This program will require 60 credits over 3 years but will provide more flexibility in terms of how credits can be earned.
(If you are newly Certified you are required to achieve the prorated certificates as noted under the Policy(See CPDP. - FAQ #8)
(Continuing Professional Development Program credits ONLY apply to Members who are certified “CBCO” or “BCQ.”)
Note: See the resource section below for the Policy, Reporting, Members Records, Public Registry.
Compliance Options
Through the CPDP program, members are offered 4 compliance options to achieve compliance with the required 60 credits over the 3 year cycle. These compliance options have been broken up in to 3 different training buckets which include OBOA Technical Training, “Structured” Technical Training, and Occupational Independent Skills. Each of the buckets have been assigned a minimum number of Associated training hours to be completed over the required cycle.
OBOA Technical Training
This Training Bucket relates to all events and course offered by the OBOA that the member has participated in over the respected cycle. These credits do not need to be submitted as they will be automatically populated within your CPDP Credit Report. Example of these events include Leadership day, the AMTS, and OBOA Hosted Seminars.
“Structured” Technical Training
This Training Bucket relates to all third-party technical training taken by the members over the respected cycle. These credits shall be recorded on the Prescribed Schedule A Form under the Policy and submitted through the CPDP portal. Examples of this training include Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA) training, College or University Course, and Municipally certified training.
Occupational Independent Skills
This Training Bucket relates softs skill-based training related to job performance. These credits shall be recorded on the Prescribed Schedule B Form under the Policy and submitted through the CPDP portal. Occupational Independent Skills shall be capped as noted below:
Type of Learning Credit | Description | Tracking and Document Requirements Maximum credits (if applicable) |
Professional writing | Journal articles Articles for other industry media A written article related to the building industry that has been prepared by a member and is published for the purpose of educating others |
Maximum 15 credits per cycle |
Reading technical information | Includes the reading of books or technical information and Journal articles which are related to the building industry | Summary of the reading material to be completed and retained Maximum of 5 credits per cycle |
Presentations / Training | Public speaking and / or training including speaking at OBOA chapter Meetings or AMTS on a topic related to the building industry Presentations to students (speaking of the career of a building official) |
One credit is equivalent to one hour of presentation time. Maximum of 10 credits per |
Teaching | Teaching OBOA courses Teaching at a college or other post- secondary institution |
One credit is equivalent to one hour of teaching Maximum 30 credits per cycle |
OBOA Board Meetings *Applicable to current Board members only |
Attendance to OBOA related meetings | One credit is equivalent to one hour of meeting time Maximum 15 credits per cycle |
Chapter meeting Executives |
Chapter executives in attendance and taking part in the delivery of the meeting | One credit is equivalent to one hour of meeting time Maximum 10 credits per cycle |
Soft Skills Training |
One credit is equivalent to one hour of training
Maximum 30 credits per cycle *Training is required to be tracked on Independent Tracking Sheet with documentation of training (See Schedule B) |
Mentorship |
Acting as a mentor to an Intern Building Official through an approved Internship Program Acting as a mentor to a junior position through approval of the Chief Building Official (eg. Senior inspector mentoring a new building official) | One credit is equivalent to one hour of mentoring
Maximum 15 credits per cycle |
OBOA Chapter meetings OBOA Committee meeting |
Attendance to an organized Chapter meeting Attendance to Committee meetings when assigned to by the OBOA Board | One credit is received per hour for the educational portion of the meetings.
The educational portion includes speakers, and Building Code discussions, mini training sessions, etc.
Maximum 15 credits per cycle |
Reporting Requirements
It is the responsibility of the accredited member to ensure that they remain in compliance with the CPDP policy and reporting requirements. That includes the need to have all supporting documentation filed by December 31st of the last cycle year. To ensure members are up to date on credit status, CPDP credits can be viewed through their online membership Portal. The program has been updated to help ease report and compliance by automatically recording OBOA Technical Training that the member has participated in over the cycle. Further Prescribed forms and credit structures for Technical Training and Occupational Independent Skill Training have been created within the Policy to add membership submission through the portal.
Policy – Continuing Professional Development Program
CPDP credits - Your Member Records
CPDP Reporting – Education Credit Reporting Form
Public Registry – Certified Member Search
Multiple Events Forms
Description: When participating in multiple events under the chosen category, you can use these forms to support a claim for the total credit earned for a series of events.
CPDP Structured Training Reporting Form | CPDP Occupational Indpendent Skills Training Reporting Form | CPDP Chapter Attendance Reporting Form