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OBOA Membership


Benefits of Membership


The Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA) offers benefits to individuals, to the building industry and the public.

  1. Reduced rates ($100.00 Savings) on professional development courses offered by the OBOA. (Chapter's of OBOA and Colleges excluded)
  2. Reduced rates on the Annual Meeting & Training Sessions (AMTS). Opportunity to interact with the Building Industry through the Exhibitor Show.
  3. Opportunities to develop invaluable professional contacts though the national and provincial partnerships maintained through the OBOA.
  4. The OBOA advocates effective legislation that promotes a high standard within the building inspection industry.
  5. Participate in legislative review committees that influence and promote building safety.
  6. Receive the OBOA Journal which focuses on fundamental interests, current and upcoming legislation that is of concern to individuals in the building industry. Available in pdf or hardcopy.
  7. The OBOA certification programs offer professional designations for those individuals in the public and private sectors.
  8. Ability to access Alliance of Canadian Building Officials Association (ACBOA) National Certification program.
  9. Access to “Build Right Ontario” considered the premier central resource of Building Code Information. This consolidation is led by a consortium of three building regulatory organizations – OBOA, TACBOC and LMCBO. This website offers technical information, tools, and interpretations for all practitioners working in the sector, such as designers, builders, system suppliers, materials suppliers, professional services, and any others who have a general interest – researchers, the public, and students and those pursuing careers in building regulation. The site is organized to reflect and embrace all of these purposes and users.
  10. OBOA/CSA COI, Communities of Interest space - Outside of the OBOA Space, you will be able to explore the CSA Communities as a whole, and interact with subject matter experts, CSA Technical Committee members, as well as members of the public.

Education: OBOA is an active participant in course development and the implementation of building code education courses provincially and nationally.

OBOA administers extensive training courses on specific aspects of the Ontario Building Code that comprise more than four hundred hours of training. Training is currently being offered though our chapter network of twenty-two chapters and though local colleges in Ontario.

OBOA also offers a three day intensive annual training session which highlights the most current issues facing the building industry.

Certification: The certification program offered by the OBOA is the most extensive program of its kind and sets a minimum educational and experiential standard for building officials. The program is recognized by many municipalities as a method of determining competency levels and is often a requirement specified in job qualifications for building department staff.

Internship: This program is intended to assist Municipalities with an Internship Program for Municipal Building Officials. Under this model, current employees will continue to perform their tasks in context of the Regulation under a mentor while new employees will be able to perform certain tasks while completing qualification requirements as set out by the Internship Review Committee. The program is for Building Officials who are members of the OBOA, and who currently do not meet all of the requirements for the Provincial Qualification. This includes a Chief of the fire department of the Municipality that is appointed as a building inspector by the municipal council, and is assigned specific responsibility for the enforcement of any portion of the Code respecting fire safety matters.

Foreign educated and trained applicants will be required to obtain OBOA membership and demonstrate applicable and equivalent-knowledge of Internship application requirements as set out by the Review Committee.

Member Services: Provided to OBOA members. This section is designed to assist our active membership regarding value-added member services and products to OBOA members through a variety of partners with the OBOA Member Services program.

Bulletin Board: The Bulletin Board is a very useful tool in finding answers to various questions you may have and allows members to see how other Building Officials are dealing with various situations. You can search by topic to see if the issue has been discussed or create a new topics for discussion and feedback. It is a great way to see how others are dealing with various interpretations on a particular subject.

"We understand that continuous professional development will become a requirement for retaining your BCIN numbers, and is already a requirement of the CBCO system. As a result, CPD information (such as courses attended and completed) will soon need to be made available to municipal employers, designer employers, other professional associations that our members belong to, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs as well as other parties who have a reasonable need to receive CPD information.

The OBOA has become a recognized source by legislators, regulators and other interested parties of authoritative information on CPD credits. Therefore, beginning in September 2018, CPDP credit data within OBOA's database will be available by request of these parties who have a reasonable need for such information.

Please ensure that you stay current with your reporting of credits, and that you are properly scanned where technology is used to verify attendance at qualifying events, such as the AMTS training sessions and some chapter events
If you have any questions about our handling of your personal information, please visit our privacy policy located on our website at: /privacy/privacypolicy.htm

or contact

Aubrey L. LeBlanc
Ontario Building Officials Association
200 Marycroft Avenue, Unit 8
Woodbridge Ontario L4L 5X4
Phone 905-264-1662
Fax: 905-264-8696

Once applications for membership are processed

REGISTER AS A MEMBER and login to take advantage of online services.

A login is required for OBOA Members to log in to our website. Usernames and Passwords are set to uniquely identify someone on a computer system, that combination is required and is referred to as a login.
For example, to access your e-mail via the Web, you are required to enter your username and password. Once you have logged in, your username may appear on the screen, but your password is kept secret. By keeping your password private, people can create secure accounts for various websites, including an OBOA Members Area with special members services. Aside from a number of other services that require a login to access, this allows your association to compete with technology that other similar associations use.

When logged in some of the most common member services available to members are:
Bulletin Board – Where you can review, monitor and update your profile, preferences, subscribed forums and topics.
Affinity Services - This section is designed to assist our active membership regarding value-added member services and products to OBOA members through a variety of partners with the OBOA Member Services program.
Member Profile - From here you can update some of the most common member services, such as; Contact Information, Journal Delivery Preference, Review Reprint Invoicing and Confirmations, If Certified manage training points.

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