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Issue 142
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Issue 141
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Issue 140
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Issue 139
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Issue 138
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Issue 137
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The OBOA Journal is Published - MARCH / JUNE / SEPTEMBER / DECEMBER

The OBOA Journal is currently published four times a year and is available in digital formats. You can subscribe to have the Journal delivered directly to your preferred email.

In the Journal, subscribers can find information about the Ontario Building Code written by building industry experts from across the province. The magazine features articles from practitioners in the fields of engineering, architecture, construction, code enforcement, skilled trades and of course, the municipal building industry.

New product information and technologies are often featured in the Journal by way of advertisers and guest columnists.

The OBOA is offering a free, 10-day trial period so you can get a preview of The Journal before you get a subscription.

To sign up for a subscription,

1. Provide us with contact information | 2. Select your AD type and issue number | 3. Upload your AD.

Current publications and previous issues of the Journal are found in the OBOA