Training & Education
We are committed to your success. That’s why the OBOA is the top choice for professional development of Building Officials across Canada.
Safe and efficient construction in our communities requires a high caliber of expertise among municipal building officials, builders, design professionals and other Building Code users. Keeping up-to-date on the Building Code also promotes building safety and efficient construction within the province. Those involved in the enforcement of the Building Code Act and Regulations as well as people involved in the design and supervision of construction must also keep abreast of new techniques and current Building Code requirements.
The OBOA's courses are designed assuming that the participants have the prerequisite knowledge to begin the course. In some cases, the prerequisite knowledge is contained in other courses, which should be completed before you begin your chosen course. If you choose not to take the prerequisite course, you should acquire the knowledge through other means. Training Courses are delivered in an adult learning environment. This training is has been developed and intended to be delivered to a larger percentage of what is to be considered municipal building officials, builders, design professionals and other Building Code users, a Ministry recommended timeline is enforced while participating in classes focusing on the building code. Training is delivered in a set environment.
All courses require the student to have their own copy of the latest edition of the "2012 Ontario Building Code". In addition, some courses will require that the student have their own copy of certain reference material including, Supplementary Guidelines, Referenced Standards and other supporting material such as a calculator.
"We understand that continuous professional development will become a requirement for retaining your BCIN numbers, and is already a requirement of the CBCO system. As a result, CPD information (such as courses attended and completed) will soon need to be made available to municipal employers, designer employers, other professional associations that our members belong to, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs as well as other parties who have a reasonable need to receive CPD information.
The OBOA has become a recognized source by legislators, regulators and other interested parties of authoritative information on CPD credits. Therefore, beginning in September 2018, CPDP credit data within OBOA's database will be available by request of these parties who have a reasonable need for such information.
Please ensure that you stay current with your reporting of credits, and that you are properly scanned where technology is used to verify attendance at qualifying events, such as the AMTS training sessions and some chapter events.
If you have any questions about our handling of your personal information, please visit our privacy policy located on our website at: privacy policy
Aubrey L. LeBlanc
Ontario Building Officials Association
200 Marycroft Avenue, Unit 8
Woodbridge Ontario L4L 5X4
Phone 905-264-1662
Fax: 905-264-8696
Register / Training Calendar
View the Training Calendar or Register for a seat in Training Courses Online: REGISTER
Some courses are priced different, register on-line for current pricing or contact the OBOA office. Prices do not include 13% HST, Prices are subject to change without notice.Please note that when applying for a seat in courses using the online calendar, payment must be secured or received at the OBOA office before the 14-day cut off date, this date is enforced so that preparations can be made to send out any materials that could be required for the venue. Participants of selected courses have the option to pre-study online (see pre-study for your training day). Payment must be made before study materials can be accessed, please review "Conditions of Registration" below for more details.
Pre-Study For your Training Day
Selected courses (2012 Overview Technical Training Courses) are available for pre-study online that participants have registered for 2 weeks prior to the course starting date. For example: If your course starts on November 27, 2015, your online course material will only be available 2 weeks prior to that date and viewable up until the first day of class. Your hardcopy will be available the first day of class, unless the participant has pre-purchased the training manual in advance. Participants registered for training that have pre-purchased a training manual through the OBOA office are expected to bring their copy to class.
If you have not Registered before in either the Bulletin Board or Training a password can be obtained for Pre-Study by Registering Please give us 1 Business day to complete your request.
Terms of Registration
REGISTRATION PAYMENT - Payment is due at time of registration via fax or mail. Courses registered online will be confirmed and invoiced within 48 hours. Payment is required when invoice is received. If payment has not been received 14 days prior to course start date, registration may be cancelled without notice. Discounted rates for Training Courses presented on the Training Calendar can be eligible to OBOA members as defined on our Membership Application Page. Membership with OBOA Chapters do not qualify for discounted Training fees unless you are also an OBOA member. Payment by cheque can be made out to the "Ontario Building Officials Association" mailed to the OBOA Provincial Office accompanied by a copy of your online application confirmation or registration form including your payment information to:
200 Marycroft Avenue, Unit 8
Woodbridge, ON L4L 5X4
For payment by VISA, Mastercard or AMEX using a faxable form, please mail or fax your payment information after you have received your confirmation and invoice from the OBOA. Your invoice and payment information can be faxed to: 905-264-7609. We will process your payment then.
INCIDENTALS - Meals, travel, and overnight accommodation (if applicable) are not included. Each student is responsible for making his/her own arrangements.
COURSE PREREQUISITES - Some courses have prerequisites or advisories included with the course description. These are recommended by the course developers to assist participants in selecting of courses for maximum success.
SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION - References to “successful completion” implies with a grade of 70% or better. A final exam mark falling between (0%-39%) is considered a fail and the student will have to re-take the course. A one-time re-write is offered at a cost of $25.00 + HST if a passing mark falls between (40%-69%). Responding to the OBOA Provincial Office after 60 days from the date of notification of the re-write dissolves the option to a re-write an exam. The re-write can be proctored by, a course facilitator, a CBO, Municipal Clerk or at the OBOA Provincial Office. If you fail a second time, you will be obligated to take the course again. The OBOA assumes no responsibility for individuals who attend training who are not satisfied as a result of the MMAH enforced set training environments and timelines.
TRAINING ENVIRONMENT - Training Courses are delivered in an adult learning environment, this training is delivered to a larger percentage of what is to be considered and developed for the municipal building official, builders, design professionals and other Building Code users with a Ministry recommended timeline focusing on code enforcement and navigation of the code in which some individuals at a unpredictable juncture may not be comfortable. Training is delivered in this pre-determined environment, the OBOA cannot guarantee individuals who attend training that o are not satisfied the set environment, complete successfully.
CANCELLATIONS - Cancellations will only be accepted in writing (via fax, email or mail) Registrations cancelled 14 days prior to commencement of course will be charged a $75.00 administration fee. Registrations cancelled less than 14 days but more than 7 days prior to commencement of course will receive a 70% refund from initial registration fee or 100% credit less $75.00 administration fee towards future training. Registrations cancelled less than 7 days prior to course commencement will not receive a refund or credit.
PROVINCIAL OFFICE CANCELLATIONS - Courses cancelled by the OBOA or one of its’ Chapters will be eligible for a 100% refund or credit towards future training. Under normal circumstances, courses will be cancelled 14 days prior to commencement (less the cost of the course manual, if applicable), either due to low enrollment or unforeseen circumstances. Courses cancelled less than 14 days will be fully refunded or applied to future training.
LOCAL HOTEL - Near by accommodations arranged at $109.90 +HST at the Monte Carlo Inn, The Monte Carlo Inn - Vaughan Suites™ is a hotel in Vaughan, Ontario that’s strategically situated at the corner of Highway #7 and Highway 400. Address: 705 Applewood Crescent, Vaughan, ON L4K 5W8 | Phone: 905-761-7170 | Website . Details of your course information are included on your training confirmation.
Requests / Adjustments
TRANSFERS - Course manuals are sent prior to commencement of course. There will be no refund or credit once the course manual has been sent by the OBOA. (Normally, 2 to 3 weeks prior to course commencement.) You will be permitted to transfer to a different date, $75.00 + HST administration fee will apply.
CHANGES TO REGISTRATIONS - A $75.00 + HST administration fee will apply to all changes to course registrations.
PERSONAL INFORMATION - Information that is collected by the association is collected under the guidelines of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act for the purposes of processing training registrations, to complete training material delivery and membership information updates. This information is not shared, sold or distributed and is maintained in a confidential and secure manner.
COLLEGE COURSE CERTIFICATES - College courses with start dates after September 1, 2011 will receive their certificates directly from Colleges
Contact us for Training Course Inquiries
Please note the decision to cancel a course is made 10 days before the course runs
OBOA accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express