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2013 Annual Meeting and Training Sessions |
Past Sessions
Monday, October 7th, 2013 | ||
6:45 am - 8:15 am | Continental Breakfast - Exhibitor Area | |
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Opening Cermonies - M/C VP Mike Seiling, CBCO | |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Break and Trade Show - Exhibitor Area | |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | MAH Provincial Updates - Chedoke C Brenda Lewis, Director - MMAH |James Douglas, Manager - MMAH | Chris Thompson, Manager - MMAH | |
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | City of Hamilton Lunch - | |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Chapter Chairs Meeting - | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | New Energy Free Technologies that Improve Building Safety - Chedoke C Richard Pudwell, Canadian Manager for Ecoglo - Application of Photo Luminescent Signs (Exit and Running Man) Ecoglo - Oakville, ON - . Photoluminescent safety products provide a power free alternative... | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | Geo-exchange technology and application in urban settings - Chedoke B Bill Wong, P.Eng, CEM Assistant VP | Program Manager, Renewable Energy and Climate Change - SAIC (Science Applications International Corp.) This session will review the terminologies and details of technology... | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | 2012 OBC Plumbing Update - Webster Bill Plewes | Town of Collingwood, Director of Building Services and Chief Building Official - A look into the changes that have been made in Part 7 of the OBC. Listen to the "How, why and the reason... | |
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Break and Trade Show - Exhibitor Area | |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | The latest in Energy Efficient Technologies for SFD - Chedoke C Michael C. Swinton, B.Sc., M.Eng., P.Eng. - Principal Research Officer Research Manager, Canadian Centre for Housing Technology NRC-Construction | The Canadian Centre for Housing Technology (CCHT) assesses... | |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Brownfield Program Overview - Chedoke B Jennifer Volpato M.Eng., P.Geo., P.Eng. - General overview of the Ministry's Brownfield Program with the main focus being the Record of Site Condition process under Ontario Regulation 153/04 as amended.... | |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Sewage System Solutions-OOWA - Webster Ms. Marie-Christine Belanger, Technological Development Director, Premier Tech Aqua | OOWA - "Replacing a failed or failing septic system could be a challenge depending on the site conditions. Site... | |
6:15 pm - 7:45 pm | Theme Night Dinner - | |
Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 | ||
6:45 am - 8:15 am | Continental Breakfast - Exhibitor Area | |
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Annual General Meeting - President Leo Cusumano | M/C John DeVries, CBCO | |
9:00 am - 10:30 am | ACBOA Meeting - | |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Break and Trade Show - Exhibitor Area | |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Construction Bloopers - How to avoid them through quality control - Chedoke C Attending Ian Shaw, P.Eng. - Project Engineer and Director, Soil-Mat Engineers & Consultants Ltd., James Jennings, Canadian Academy of Building Sciences Inc. - The session will review common construction... | |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Spray Booth and Dust Collectors - Inspection Requirements - Chedoke B Andrew Wong, MBA, CFIFireE, CFPS, CFEI, President, Insight Fire-Life Consultants Inc. - A consolidated review of enforcement requirements including an understanding of fire and explosion hazards, fire... | |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Preparing a court file - what is required - Webster Ted Allen - Senior Prosecutor, Region of York - Everything required for a court file including evidence, documents, hints to prevent defendant appeals, and preparing your summons for proper service. | |
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Exhibitors & Past Presidents Lunch - | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | Overview of Pre-Engineered Wood Trusses from Plans Review to Inspection - Chedoke C Maged Mikhail, P.Eng. Town of Halton Hills - Pre-Engineered Wood Trusses are widely used in residential, institutional, commercial and agricultural construction; nonetheless, building officials are frequently... | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | Sprinkler Protection in Residential Buildings Greater than 4 Storeys in Height - Chedoke B Mr. Don Casey, LEL, C.E.T., CFPS, BCIN This session will discuss the design approaches and challenges associated with providing automatic sprinkler protection in residential buildings greater than 4 storeys... | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | Regulatory Issues Related to Mid-rise Wood-frame Buildings - Webster Allan Larden, B.Arch., OAA, MRAIC - Bill Birdsell, B.E.S. ,B.Arch. ,OAA, MRAIC, - Anthony Spick, P.Eng, LEED AP - Ontario Association of Architects - With some jurisdictions around the world embracing... | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum - Hamilton Home to over 40 aircraft from WWII to military jets; including an operational Avro Lancaster. website: | |
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Break and Trade Show - Exhibitor Area | |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | SB-10 Energy efficiency - Chedoke C Bobbi Lovering - Township of Oro-Medonte, Chief Building Official - Understanding SB10 and other options for complying to Energy Efficiency requirements. | |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Development and use of UL, cUL and ULC Fire Resistance Design - Chedoke B Abbas Nanji, P.Eng., ULC - Engineering Group Leader, Fire Protection Division and Emmanuel Sopeju, P.Eng Staff Engineer - Regulatory and Product Safety Group. An overview of the Standards and Testing methods... | |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | SB-13 Glass Guards "and next steps" - Webster Gerald R. Genge, P.Eng., C.Eng., BDS, BSSO, C.Arb., Q.Med. - GRG Building Consultants, The rationale for and effect of SB 13 on glass building guards will be presented including the necessary next steps... | |
6:15 pm - 7:45 pm | City of Niagara Tour - Participant Funded | |
Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 | ||
6:45 am - 8:15 am | Continental Breakfast - 2nd floor by Registration | |
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Addressing Retirement Homes & Care Occupancies - Chedoke C Susan Clarke, Fire Protection Engineer, Office of the Fire Marshal - A review of OBC and OFC requirements for new, recently constructed, change of use and existing facilities based on recent/proposed changes... | |
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Glass Breaks - Chedoke B Mario Angelucci-LMCBO - Representing the Toronto experience and what they have learned. Properties of NiS, Effect of NiS on Tempered Glass, Laminated Glass, Heat Strengthened &Tempered Glass, Annealed... | |
9:00 am - 10:30 am | ACBOA Meeting - | |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Break - | |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Recognizing Risk and Reducing Liability for Municipal Building Departments - Chedoke C Alison G. Orr, P.Eng., CBCO | Marianne Brown, P.Eng., CBCO, ORR BROWN Consulting Engineers Ltd. - This updated session will help municipal building officials recognize risk and reduce liability associated... | |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Changes to the Ontario Fire Code - Chedoke B Gord Yoshida, Fire Protection Engineer, OFM Recent amendments have resulted in a new edition of the Fire Code expected to be published next year, incorporating editorial clarifications, minor technical... | |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Legal Corner #1 - Wind Farms, Issues of Compliance and OBOA Journal - Webster Leo Longo, John Mascarin, Chris Williams | Aird & Berlis - Stephen Lockwood | MMAH, Wind Farms, Issues of Compliance and OBOA Journal | |
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Charity Fundraiser - (draw) | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | Perimeter Fire Stopping - Chedoke C Mike Speziale, IPEX Inc. - Building Code requirements for firestopping piping penetrations through a "required fire separations", Listing requirements for piping systems, "what to look for... | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | Codes and Certification - Backflow prevention - Chedoke B Mike Haslam, Mohawk College - Disscuss the current codes and certification requirements for backflow preventers in Ontario. | |
1:40 pm - 3:10 pm | Legal Corner # 2 - Webster Leo Longo, John Mascarin, Chris Williams | Aird & Berlis - Stephen Lockwood | MMAH | |
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Break - | |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | #2-Accessibility in Public Spaces - Webster Geordie Gibbion, Program Advisor - Accessibility Directorate of Ontario - Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment | Brenda Lewis, Director - MMAH |James Douglas, Manager - MMAH | Chris... | |
6:15 pm - 7:45 pm | Presidents Dinner - | |
Thursday, October 10th, 2013 | ||
6:45 am - 8:15 am | - MMAH Qualification Exams | |
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Crowne Plaza - 8am to NOON |
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