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Featured Training

Course Title
Offered By
Inspectors' Technique Suite - OBOA-ITS
Now Open 
Offered By:
Status: open
Online Module
Course Description:

This OBOA course has been designed for those with limited experience and those looking to hone their skills related to on-site Inspections. The Inspectors' Technique Suite focuses on 'how' an inspector should conduct inspections and gives participants the opportunity view videos of inspectors completing site inspections.

The "2012 Overview Technical Training Courses" category have a Pre-Study online manual availiable to those who have registered.


Course Title
Offered By
Leadership Day
In Person
Apr 4, 2025
Toronto - The Westin Toronto Airport Hotel
Offered By:
OBOA Provincial Office -Seminars
Status: Open
Toronto - The Westin Toronto Airport Hotel
Members: $316.40 / Non Members: $542.40 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
It is an annual event that gives building officials a chance to listen, learn and discuss items of importance to the building professional community and the municipalities we serve. This year we the OBOA is once again pleased to hold the event in collaboration with OLMCBO.

Breakfast 8-9am (Welcome remarks)
9-10:30am - Presentation by Paul E.F. Martin, Partner - Loopstra Nixon LLP will provide a presentation on the Heuther vs McMurrich Monteith case. It will cover the decision, the key information, the potential impacts of the decision and any recent updates related to the matter.

Break 15 min
10:45-12:15 - Presentation by Sean-Michael Stephen - Watson & Associates Economists Ltd will provide a presentation on things to consider when reviewing and updating building permit fees. This includes how to assess the full cost of services rendered, the input costs you should consider, how to ensure the delivery of service is sustainable including reserve funds and at the same time consider statutory requirements.

Lunch 12:15-1:15pm
1:15-2:45pm - Abandoned/Derelict properties - process on how to deal with them (heritage or non-heritage) and key considerations to ensure they do not endanger the general public or broader community.

Break 15 min
3-4:30pm - CBO Tips and Tricks, Negotiating an employment contract, how to deal with senior officials and council (tips and tricks), things to consider when leaving an employer.
430pm end of day

2012 Overview Technical Training Courses

Course Title
Offered By
Building Structural - 2012
May 12 - 16, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: Any Part 9 or Part 3 course

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA course assists those who may wish to become more familiar with structural requirements. The goal of this course is to provide a participant-centered learning environment in order to:
- Review the specific code requirements that relate to structural provisions as indicated in the 2012 Examination Syllabus.
- Facilitate the location, understanding and application of the structural code requirements.
- Evaluate the accuracy of the participant?s application of these code requirements to the problems provided.
- Propose and justify code specific solutions to participant questions and concerns.

The objective of this course is to help the reader understand the requirements of the 2012 Ontario Building Code Division B, applicable to building structures, and to assist candidates with preparation for the qualification examination.

Upon completion of this overview course, learners will be better able to:
- Describe where to apply Part 4 and Part 9 in the structural design of buildings,
- Find climatic and seismic data necessary for the structural design of buildings,
- Identify the different types of structural loads,
- Classify building by their Importance Category,
- Calculate and verify load combinations for give loading scenarios,
- Calculate and verify dead and live loads, and other combinations for buildings,
- Verify calculations for determining wind loads, using the static method,
- Identify specific earthquake provisions that apply to buildings and portions of buildings

Using Part 4:
- Calculate the specific snow and rain loads using Part 4 with given factors,
- Relate the code provisions for anchor systems and special structures including parking structures and air-supported structures,
- Recognize the importance of design of excavations and backfilling, including dewatering

For Part 9 buildings:
- Identify the importance of spans in determining snow loads,
- Recognize the limitations of conventional footings and provisions for alternate foundation types,
- Identify structural requirements for foundation walls,
- Identify the requirements to support joists, beams, structural framing, and above-grade masonry and ICF walls,
- Identify the importance of connections made at fire separations,
- Identify the anchorage, bearing and strapping/bridging requirements for floor systems, as well as wall systems and roof and ceiling construction,
- Apply structural requirements for other structural components,
- Apply structural requirements for special building types, farm buildings and renovations.

Completion of this course alone may not be sufficient preparation for the examination, for all persons. Additional independent reading and review of the Code may be required.

Neither this course, nor the qualification examination, address structural engineering principles and design methods. Additionally, the various documents referenced by the Building Code do not form part of this course , nor the qualification examination.

This course should also assist participants in identifying those areas of the OBC where additional instruction and study may be required in order to be successful in challenging the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Examinations.

No examination is included with this course.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

Complex Buildings - 2012
Mar 17 - 21, 24 - 25, 2025
Online - zOOm
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - zOOm
Members: $508.50 / Non Members: $734.50 Prices include 13% HST
In Person
Apr 7 - 10, 2025
Ottawa - City of Ottawa(Orleans Office)
Offered By:
City of Ottawa
Status: Open
Ottawa - City of Ottawa(Orleans Office)
Members: $452.00 / Non Members: $678.00 Prices include 13% HST
In Person
May 20 - 22, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Members: $452.00 / Non Members: $678.00 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: Large Buildings

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA course has been designed to enhance the knowledge of existing Code Practitioners and those practitioners who wish to improve their competence in the practice of interpretation and implementation of the principles of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) with respect to Complex (Vol. 1 Division B Part 3) buildings.

Some areas covered by this course include:
- Occupancy, Construction Types, Fire-Resistance ratings (review)
- SB-2, Flame spread, Smoke development (review)
- Building Fire Safety (review)
- Safety within Floor Areas (review)
- Environmental Separation/fixed ladders (review)
- Change of Use, Renovations and Compliance Alternatives
- Additional requirements for high buildings,
- SB-4 Measures for Safety in high Buildings
- Mezzanines and interconnected floor spaces
- Structural Design, HVAC, Plumbing
- Resource Conservation
- Sample Examination Questions (including all Part 3 Buildings)
- Post Course Study Plan

While this course will emphasize the Ministry of Municipal Affairs exam syllabi for Complex buildings, participants must have a basic understanding of the entire Part 3 OBC and requirements contained therein in order to be successful when challenging the Complex exam.

This course should also assist participants in identifying those areas of the OBC where additional instruction and study may be required in order to be successful in challenging the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Examinations.

No examination is included with this course.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

House - 2012
In Person
Apr 7 - 11, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA course has been designed to enhance the knowledge of existing Code Practitioners and those practitioners who wish to improve their competence in the practice of interpretation and implementation of the principles of the 2012 Ontario Building Code (OBC) with respect to Houses (Vol. 1 Division B Part 9).

It is intended to help the participant understand the requirements of the OBC that apply to all Houses as defined in the OBC as

A detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse or row house:
1) containing not more than two dwelling units in each house
2) three or fewer storeys in building height
3) having a building area not exceeding 600 m2
4) used for major occupancies classified as Group C-residential occupancies.

This course is designed to make use of your previous understanding of the Ontario Building Code, training, education and on the job experience. While this course will emphasize the Ministry of Municipal Affairs exam syllabi for Houses, participants must have a basic understanding of the OBC and requirements contained therein in order to be successful when taking exams.

This course will assist in learning how to find and apply applicable OBC requirements. Through the exercises contained herein, it will focus on creating understanding so that the participant may correctly interpret and apply the regulations.

This course should also assist participants in identifying those areas of the OBC where additional instruction and study may be required in order to be successful in challenging the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Examinations.

The areas covered in the instructor-led course are:
- Basics of Structural Design Requirements,
- Stairs, ramps, handrails and guards
- Fire Protection
- Sound Control
- Excavation
- Dampproofing, waterproofing and Soil Gas control
- Drainage
- Footings and foundations
- Attic and Roof Spaces
- ICF Walls
- Wood Frame Construction
- Heat transfer, air leakage and condensation control

Other House topics will be covered during assigned self-led instruction and practice each evening and will be reviewed in depth the following morning during the instructor-led session.

No examination is included with this course.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

HVAC - House - 2012
Apr 24 - 25, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Members: $395.50 / Non Members: $621.50 Prices include 13% HST


Course Description:
This OBOA course has been designed to introduce or increase (where applicable) the concepts of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and to hone skills in terms of their ability to FIND (search the Code and identify non-familiar Code provisions), UNDERSTAND (to comprehend the language, structure and intent of a Code provision), and APPLY the Code provision(s) using case examples, situations and scenarios.

The objective of this course is to help you understand the requirements of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) applicable to the area of HVAC House (primarily dwelling units). This includes requirements contained in Division A and B, particularly Parts 1, 6, 9, 11 and 12 of the code.

This course covers the requirements of the OBC as applied to HVAC House (primarily dwelling units). Requirements for HVAC House in the OBC have been identified to have an impact on the following:
- Design and Installation
- Air Ducts
- Heating and Cooling Systems
- Heat Transfer, air leakage and condensation
- Ventilation
- Heating and Air-conditioning
- Renovation Compliance Alternative
- Electrical

While this course will emphasize the Ministry of Municipal Affairs exam syllabi for HVAC House, participants must have a basic understanding of the OBC and requirements contained therein in order to be successful when challenging exams.

This course should also assist participants in identifying those areas of the OBC where additional instruction and study may be required in order to be successful in challenging the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Examinations.

No examination is included with this course.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

Large Buildings - 2012
Mar 3 - 7, 10 - 14, 2025
Online - zOOm
Prg / Comp
Offered By:
Status: Prg / Comp
Online - zOOm
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST
Apr 28 - 30, May 1 - 2, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
This OBOA course has been designed to enhance the knowledge of existing Code Practitioners and those practitioners who wish to improve their competence in the practice of interpretation and implementation of the principles of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) with respect to Large (Vol. 1 Division B Part 3) buildings.

Some areas covered by this course include:
- Occupancy, Construction Types, Fire-Resistance ratings
- SB-2, Flame spread, Smoke development
- Building Fire Safety (Passive)
- Building Fire Safety (Active)
- Safety within Floor Areas
- Exits, Means of Egress
- Vertical Transportation/Service Spaces/Environmental Separation & fixed ladders
- Health Requirements/Barrier Free/Portable Classrooms/Self Service Storage buildings
- Public Pools/Rapid Transit Stations/Signs/Shelf and Rack Storage Systems
- Change of Use/Renovations
- Structural Design, HVAC, Plumbing
- Resource Conservation
- Sample Examination Questions
- Post Course Study Plan

While this course will emphasize the Ministry of Municipal Affairs exam syllabi for Large buildings, participants must have a basic understanding of the entire Part 3 OBC and requirements contained therein in order to be successful when challenging the Large Building exam.

This course should also assist participants in identifying those areas of the OBC where additional instruction and study may be required in order to be successful in challenging the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Examinations.

No examination is included with this course.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

Legal Process for Building Officials & Designers - 2012
CBCO/BCQ Stream: Administrator
Mar 31, Apr 1 - 4, 7 - 11, 2025
Online - zOOm
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - zOOm
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST
In Person
May 12 - 16, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST
Jun 16 - 20, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

Who is this course for?

The Legal Process for Building Officials & Designers course is intended as an introduction to the legal process for all building officials, persons authorized by RCAs and individuals considering entering the world of Building Code administration in Ontario. The Legal Process for Building Officials course can also be an excellent training and preparation tool for designers preparing to write the Ministry of Municipal Affairs legal qualification examination.

Beyond gaining a basic knowledge of the legal process related to building code administration, the course is designed to help prepare individuals to write the Ministry of Municipal Affairs legal qualification examination, the common element for all areas of MMA qualification.

While all participants are encouraged to complete all 15 Chapters of the course, Chapters 1 through 12 are intended for all code practitioners and Chapters 13 through 15 provide information for Chief Building Officials, aspiring Chief Building Officials, Inspectors who have the same powers and duties as the Chief Building Official in relation to sewage systems or plumbing, Inspectors who are Supervisors and Managers of Inspectors and Registered Code Agencies.

The Legal Process for Building Officials & Designers Course is a prerequisite course for the Building Officials and the Law.

Course Objectives

In addition to explaining the structure of the 2012 Ontario Building Code, how the Act is linked to the provisions of the Code and the identification of the Principal Authority, the course addresses the following topics:

- Understanding Roles and the Legal Framework of the Act
- Various Qualifications and Registration under the Act and the Code
- Permit Applications and the Issuance Process for Permits
- Exercising Lawful Entry
- The Inspection and Compliance Processes
- The Occupancy Process
- Co-operation, Conflict and Dispute Resolution under the Act
- Offences, Liability and Immunity from Actions
- Change of Use and Renovations, and
- Complying with Division B.


No examination is included with this course.

NOTE: George Brown Students taking General Legal Process and Powers and Duties 2012 through OBOA will be required to write the exam for this course through George Brown College (GBC) for this course to qualify towards the OBOA/GBC - Building Officials Fundamentals Certificate.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Legal Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

Part 8 - On-Site Sewage Systems - 2012
CBCO/BCQ Stream: Onsite Sewage
In Person
Mar 31, Apr 1 - 4, 2025
Port Severn - Georgian Bay Municipal Office
Offered By:
Muskoka/Parry Sound Chapter
Status: Open
Port Severn - Georgian Bay Municipal Office
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course. This is an evaluation exam only.
Members: $593.25 / Non Members: $819.25 Prices include 13% HST
May 12 - 16, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course. This is an evaluation exam only.
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA 5 day (35 hr.) course deals with the fundamental requirements related to the administration and enforcement of the 2012 Ontario Building Code as related to private on-site Sewage Systems with design capacity less than 10,000 Litres per day. The regulatory requirements related to these systems are generally found under Div. B., Part 8 of the Code, but do also include and refer to substantial portions of Division C of the OBC, the Act as well as the Supplementary Standards SB5 and SB6. Designed as an introduction to the fundamental principles behind the topic, the course addresses the following topics and areas;
- duties and responsibilities under the Act as related to Sewage systems
- Site evaluations, Test Pits and T-Times,
- Characteristics and distinguishing of Systems and Design Flows,
- Design and Construction of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Sewage Systems,
- Inspection and Review of Class 1,2,3,4 and 5 Sewage systems,
- Operation and Maintenance minimum requirements for existing systems, and
- Occupational Health and Safety as related to sewage system inspection or enforcement.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Legal Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

Plumbing All Buildings - 2012
CBCO/BCQ Stream: Plumbing
In Person
Mar 17 - 21, 2025
Prescott - Town of Prescott
Offered By:
Golden Triangle Chapter
Status: Cancelled
Prescott - Town of Prescott
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST
In Person
Jun 2 - 6, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: Plumbing House

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA course explains the theory that is the basis for the provisions of the Code that regulate drainage, venting and water systems Assistance will be provided to the participant in learning how to find and apply applicable OBC requirements. Through the exercises contained herein, it will focus on creating understanding so that the participant may correctly interpret and apply the regulations.

This course should also assist participants in identifying those areas of the OBC where additional instruction and study may be required in order to be successful in challenging the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Examinations.

The areas covered in the instructor-led course are:
- Materials and Equipment
- Piping
- Drainage Systems
- Venting Systems
- Potable Water Systems
- Non-Potable Water Systems

This course also assists those who may wish to become more familiar with aspects of Plumbing - All Buildings. The goal of this course is to provide a participant-centered learning environment in order to:
- Review the specific code requirements that relate to Plumbing ? All Buildings as indicated in the 2012 Examination Syllabus.
- Facilitate the location, understanding and application of the code requirements dealing with Plumbing ? All Buildings.
- Evaluate the accuracy of the participant?s application of these code requirements to the problems provided.
- Propose and justify code specific solutions to participant questions and concerns.

Upon completion of this overview course, learners will be better able to:
- Relate Code requirements that govern plumbing
- Determine the requirements applicable to specific plumbing systems
- Identify deficiencies in plumbing design and installation
- Develop a plan of action to inspect plumbing installations
- Become familiar with plans of buildings and drawings of plumbing installations

This course is designed to help prepare individuals to write the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Plumbing All Buildings qualification examination, the common element for all areas of MMA qualification.

No examination is included with this course.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

Plumbing House - 2012
May 5 - 9, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Members: $593.25 / Non Members: $819.25 Prices include 13% HST


Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA course has been designed to introduce or increase (where applicable) the concepts of Plumbing - House and to hone skills in terms of their ability to FIND (search the Code and identify non-familiar Code provisions), UNDERSTAND (to comprehend the language, structure and intent of a Code provision), and APPLY the Code provision(s) using case examples, situations and scenarios.

The objective of this course is to help you understand the requirements of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) applicable to the area of Plumbing - House (primarily dwelling units). This includes requirements contained in Division A and B, particularly Parts 1, 7, 9, 11 and 12 of the code.

This course covers the requirements of the OBC as applied to Plumbing - House. Requirements for Plumbing - House in the OBC have been identified to have an impact on the following:
- General, Health and Safety, Accessibility, Energy Efficiency
- Materials and Equipment
- Piping
- Drainage Systems
- Venting Systems
- Potable Water Systems
- Part 9
- Renovation and Compliance Alternatives


Upon completion of this overview course, learners will be better able to:
- Relate the regulations relevant to plumbing and the inspections.
- Explain the role of a plumbing inspector.
- Explain the basic theory of plumbing systems.
- Explain, in detail, the plumbing in a typical single-family dwelling
- Apply a set of materials and attitudes common to other plumbing inspectors to help you on the job.
- Describe how to inspect plumbing installations.
- Explain the authority, responsibility and accountability of a plumbing inspector.
- Analyze plans of buildings and drawings of plumbing installations.

This course is designed to help prepare individuals to write the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Plumbing House qualification examination, the common element for all areas of MMA qualification.

No examination is included with this course.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

Small Buildings - 2012
CBCO/BCQ Stream: Small Buildings
In Person
Mar 31, Apr 1 - 4, 2025
cancelled - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
Status: Full
cancelled - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST
Jun 9 - 13, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: House

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA course has been designed to enhance the knowledge of existing Code Practitioners and those practitioners who wish to improve their competence in the practice of interpretation and implementation of the principles of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) with respect to Small (Vol. 1 Division B Part 9) buildings.

It is intended to help the participant understand the requirements of the OBC that apply to all Small Buildings defined in the OBC as
1) three or fewer storeys in building height
2) having a building area not exceeding 600 m2
3) used for major occupancies classified as Group C-residential occupancies, D-business and personal services occupancies, E-mercantile occupancies or Group F-2 medium hazard industrial occupancies and Group F-3- low hazard industrial occupancies.

While this course will emphasize the Ministry of Municipal Affairs exam syllabi for Small buildings, participants must have a basic understanding of the OBC and requirements contained therein in order to be successful when challenging exams.

This course should also assist participants in identifying those areas of the OBC where additional instruction and study may be required in order to be successful in challenging the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Examinations.

Some areas covered by this course include:
- Special Structures and Basics of Structural Requirements
- Design of Area and Space
- Stairs, Ramps, Handrails and Guards
- Means of Egress
- Fire Protection
- Plumbing
- Public Pools and Spa
- Resource Conservation
- Sample Examination Questions
- Other Small Building Topics (Floors-On-Ground, Above Grade Masonry and ICF, Wood Frame Construction, Electric Facilities
- Post Course Study Plan

No examination is included with this course.

[Visit the Humber College's website to schedule the applicable Examination, including payment of examination fees.]

Detailed Technical Training Courses

Course Title
Offered By
Building Officials & the Law
CBCO/BCQ Stream: All
In Person
Mar 24 - 28, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $847.50 Prices include 13% HST
In Person
May 26 - 30, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $847.50 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: General Legal

Course Description:
PARTICIPANT MANUAL NOT INCLUDED, manuals can be purchased from the OBOA website or downloaded and printed two weeks prior to the course start date.

Who is this course for?

- Mandatory course for CBCO and BCQ certification
- To the extent that the material is relevant it is also of significance to new and veteran
- Inspectors who are Supervisors and Managers of Inspectors
- RCA's
- Persons authorized by RCA's
- Those designers who want to enhance their knowledge of the legal processes under and around the BCA
- Required for all CBCO/BCQ Streams

Course Objectives
- Introduction to the Occupational Health and Safety Act - responsibilities of employees and supervisors and their rights and extracts from selected regulations
- Overview of the legal environment within which a Building Inspector operates
- Review procedures to exercising lawful entry
- Tips to achieve professional conduct and to enhance communications skills
- Explanation of the nature of evidence - Preparation and use of notes and inspection reports
- Generalities of the inspection process and informal and formal means to obtaining compliance with the BCA and the OBC
- Procedures under Parts I and III of the Provincial Offences Act
- Identification of personal information and authority to collect and release same under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- Preparing a court brief and getting ready to go to court
- Court decorum and the Building Inspector as a witness

Exam will be on the final day of the course.

Instructor Training Course
In Person
Apr 28 - 30, May 1 - 2, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE - Woodbridge
Offered By:
OBOA Provincial Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE - Woodbridge
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $1186.50 / Non Members: $1412.50 Prices include 13% HST


Course Description:
This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed for the effective delivery of the Ontario Building Officials Association courses. The course consists of five modules: 1. Introduction; 2. The Principles of Adult Education; 3. The Principles of Teaching; 4. Teaching the OBOA Courses; and 5. The Practicum.

Note: Please email your CV to

Introduction to Land Use Planning and Zoning Enforcement
May 28 - 30, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $508.50 / Non Members: $734.50 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This course is designed for designers and building officials who require a general knowledge of community planning and a working knowledge of the purpose and effect of zoning but who do not process planning applications.

Objectives of the course:
-Understand the importance of land use planning to the province, municipality and the public.
-Be able to identify the legislative authority for planning in the province and recognize the most important components of this legislation that have a direct effect on job responsibilities.
-Understand the general purpose and contents of an official plan and the role that an official plan plays with respect to local planning functions.
-Understand the purposes and generic contents of a zoning by-law, different types of zoning by-laws and amendment procedures.
-Recognize problem areas that may arise from conflicts between planning decisions or regulations and responsibilities under the Building Code Act or building code requirements and identify mechanisms to resolve such problems
-Recognize other planning tools, the role of the committee of adjustment, and minor variances and non-conforming uses
-Understand the procedures and requirements of zoning administration and the use of letters of compliance.

Introduction to Permit Administration
In Person
Jun 12 - 13, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $423.75 / Non Members: $649.75 Prices include 13% HST


Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA course has been designed for those with limited experience with a Municipal Building Department in an administration role. This course will introduce the participant to the Ontario Building Code and Municipal Zoning Bylaws. Participants will gain knowledge into applicable law, complete applications, inspection types, and qualifications of designers and inspectors as related to the performance of their duties.

Topics covered in the course:
- The Building Code Act (BCA) and Ontario Building Code (OBC)
- Municipal structure and Building Department Structure-? Complete Building Permit Application- Applicable Law-? Zoning- Inspections
- Other Duties

Objectives of the course:
- Identify requirements for a complete application
- Determine if submitted drawings contain all required information
- Evaluate what supporting documentation is required
- Perform initial zoning review
- Understand timelines for issuance of a permit
- Understand the inspection process

Exam will be provided on the final day of the course.

Introduction to Plan Examination - Part 9
In Person
Jun 23 - 25, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $508.50 / Non Members: $734.50 Prices include 13% HST


Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This OBOA course has been designed for those with limited experience and those looking to hone their skills in Plan Examination. This course contains all the necessary elements to provide participants with confidence to initiate and apply basic Building Code requirements. It will challenge your ability to understand and apply concepts and principles with which you may not be familiar with in completing a plan examination.

This course is designed for Building Officials, Inspectors, Architects, Engineers, Designers, Contractors, Renovators, and Fire Safety Personnel who need a working knowledge of the plan examination function with regards to application of the building code.

Objectives of the course:

Understand the role of the plan examiner and where they fit into the construction process as they relate to housing and small buildings.

Understand the purpose of construction codes and how they are developed.

Understand standard operating procedures and how they define service levels.

Understand the importance of proper and complete drawings and complete applications.

Understand and identify the purpose of checklists.

Understand the importance of appliable law and how this affects the issuance of a permit.

Learn the different tools and resources available to confirm paths of compliance.

Develop strategies and tools to create a successful plan examination system.

OBOA Beyond the Code - Accessibility Learning Series
Notify me when this Course is Scheduled
Mar 24 - 25, 2025
cancelled - zOOm
Offered By:
Status: Full
cancelled - zOOm
Members: $310.75 / Non Members: $536.75 Prices include 13% HST


Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

OBOA Beyond the Code is a 1-day course running from 8:30am - 4:30pm and will be run on the Zoom videoconferencing platform. This platform will allow for interactive instruction, and the recording of the sessions will allow you to view any that you miss. In addition, holding the course over a number of days, will allow for self-study to occur in between sessions for a blended model of delivery that gives you the ability to get the most out of the course materials.

In response to the 2019 Legislative Review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 by the Honourable David Onley, the ?Beyond the Code? training program has been developed to broaden the understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities and how to ensure healthy and safe environments, not only in buildings, but in all spaces.

The course material focuses on accessible design for both Building Officials and design professionals with the scope of this training extending beyond the basic technical ?barrier free? design requirements found in the Ontario Building Code regulations.

This workshop consisting of four modules, which total a full day of in-depth training, include accessibility design considerations in all spaces. Going beyond the technical requirements listed in the Code, course material provides the rationale behind the regulations with specific attention paid to why removing barriers to those with disabilities is essential in our society.

- Accessibility and Disability
- Exterior Spaces
- Interior Spaces
- Interior Features & Washrooms

Part 2 - Large Farm Buildings - 2024
In Person
Mar 17 - 19, 2025
Owen Sound - Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre
Offered By:
Bluewater Chapter
Status: Open
Owen Sound - Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $508.50 / Non Members: $734.50 Prices include 13% HST
In Person
Mar 31, Apr 1 - 2, 2025
Strathroy - Gemini Sports Complex
Offered By:
Southwestern Chapter
Status: Open
Strathroy - Gemini Sports Complex
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $508.50 / Non Members: $734.50 Prices include 13% HST
In Person
Jun 9 - 11, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $508.50 / Non Members: $734.50 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
This course has been designed to enhance the knowledge of existing code practitioners and provide a foundation for Farm Builders and Designers on the provisions of Part 2 of the Ontario Building Code as it relates to Farm Buildings.

It is intended to help the participant understand the requirements of the OBC that relate to Farm Buildings with an emphasis being placed on health and safety and determining the various design and construction requirements regulated by the OBC. This course will also address the nature, use, and context of farm buildings in the context of the practice of Agriculture or farming as it relates to the definitions. Distinguishing farm buildings and agricultural occupancies in context and contrast to other groups and classifications for use and occupancy which are fundamental to other forms of primary industry and commerce.

Topics of the course:
- Farming and Agriculture Practices
- Farm Building Uses and Occupancies
- Farm Building Classification, Construction Limitations
- Fire Protection and Occupant Safety
- Structural Loads and Procedures
- Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning

Part 3 - Large Buildings - Health & Safety - 2024
In Person
Jun 16 - 20, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: Part 3 – Classification and Construction

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.This technical course has been designed to enable code practitioners to be able to interpret and implement the Health and Safety requirements found within Division B, Part 3 of the 2024 Ontario Building Code. This course starts with a review of concepts learned on Classification and Separation of major occupancies and covers Spatial Separation & Exposure Protection; Exits; Lighting & Emergency Power; Flame Spread Rating & Interior Finishes; Service Spaces & Rooms; Egress & Exiting from Mezzanines; Interconnected Floor Space; Health Requirements; Fire Alarm & Detection Systems & Barrier Free Design.

Objectives of this course:
- Apply the requirements that are controlled by the occupancy or major occupancy classification of a building.
- Identify the different major occupancies alphanumerically as well as their subsidiary occupancies.
- Rationalize the OBC requirements that apply to different major occupancies.
- Determine the required characteristics of these major occupancies supported by Code reference.
- Apply the code provisions relating to the fire resistance ratings of those assemblies that subdivide major occupancies.

Part 9 - Buildings - Fire Protection - 2024
In Person
Apr 14 - 17, 2025
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Offered By:
OBOA Office
Status: Open
Woodbridge - OBOA OFFICE Unit 7
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $635.75 / Non Members: $762.75 Prices include 13% HST


Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This is an advanced technical course dealing with building permit requirements and plan review of Part 9 buildings where the 2024 Ontario Building Code requires fire separations because of building and occupancy classification. The course will also address fire protection features such as exiting, means of egress, wayward finding, service spaces, fire alarm and detection, suppression methods and the effective inspection of these fire protection features.

Topics of the course:
- Classification and Separation of Major Occupancies
- Spatial Separation and Exposure Protection
- Fire Separation Penetration, FSR & Fire Stopping
- Safety within Floor Areas
- Fire Protection
- Means of Egress and Fire Resistance Ratings
- Fire Separation
- Final Inspections

Virtual - NBC Small Buildings 2020
Notify me when this Course is Scheduled
Mar 17 - 21, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Contact Provider
Offered By:
Please contact the provider regarding course registration.
Online - ZOOM

Prerequisites: none

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can purchase one from the OBOA website.

This overview course has been designed to enhance the knowledge of existing Code Practitioners and those practitioners who wish to improve their competence in the practice of interpretation and implementation of the principles of the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) with respect to Small (Vol. 1 Division B Part 9) buildings.

It is intended to help the participant understand the requirements of the NBCC that apply to all Small Buildings defined in the NCCC as

1) three or fewer storeys in building height

2) having a building area not exceeding 600 m2

3) used for major occupancies classified as Group C-residential occupancies, D-business and personal services occupancies, E-mercantile occupancies or Group F-2 medium hazard industrial occupancies and Group F-3- low hazard industrial occupancies.

While this course will emphasize the scope for small buildings, participants must have a basic understanding of the NBCC and requirements contained therein in order to be successful when challenging exams.

Topics of this course:
- Special Structures and Basics of Structural Requirements
- Design of Area and Space
- Stairs, Ramps, Handrails and Guards
- Means of Egress
- Fire Protection
- Plumbing
- Resource Conservation

Other Small Building Topics - Floors-On-Ground, Above Grade Masonry and ICF, Wood Frame Construction, Electric Facilities.

Virtual - Part 9 - Buildings - Structural Requirements - 2024
May 20 - 23, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Members: $593.25 / Non Members: $819.25 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: Part 9 - Building Envelope or Part 9 - Health and Safety

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This advanced technical course deals with the structural provisions of Part 9 of Division B of the 2024 Ontario Building Code. The course material describes the provisions, their applications and limitations but does not deal specifically with the design of structural elements. This course will detail how to use Part 9 to size structural components and what to look for during inspections.

Topics of the course:
- General Structural Requirements
- Loads on Buildings
- Soils and bearing capacity
- Foundations and Insulated Concrete Formwork
- Floor Systems
- Wall Systems
- Conventional Roof Framing
- Roof Trusses
- Masonry

Virtual - Part 9 -The House - Building Envelope - 2024
Jun 2 - 6, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: None

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

The course provides participants with an introduction to the 2024 Ontario Building Code focusing on the perimeter building envelope including below-grade components, insulation requirements, air barrier, vapour barrier and exterior finishes.

Topics of the course:
- Below Grade Components
- Wall Envelope Components
- Envelope Performance
- Roof and Attic Spaces
- Exterior Planes of Protection

Virtual - Part 9 -The House - Health & Safety - 2024
Jun 23 - 27, 2025
Online - ZOOM
Offered By:
Status: Open
Online - ZOOM
Online Exam:
Please ensure you bring a Notebook computer or similar Wi-Fi capable device for use on the last day of this course.
Members: $621.50 / Non Members: $875.75 Prices include 13% HST

Prerequisites: Part 9 Building Envelope

Course Description:
NOTE: Manual is NOT included in course fee, you can use the online manual or purchase one from the OBOA website.

This technical course has been designed to enable code practitioners to interpret and implement the principles of the 2024 Ontario Building Code during both the examination of plans and in the inspection of the health and safety components of the House. During this course you will gain the knowledge and understanding of how various Code requirements applicable to detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse or row house, are interpreted and applied in ensuring Building Code compliance.

Topics of the course:
- Plans Examination and Permit Review
- Design of Area and Spaces
- Windows, Doors and Skylights
- Stairs, Guards, and Landings
- Insulation
- Fire Safety and Protection
- Chimney, Fireplaces and Solid Fuel Appliances
- Party Walls and Sound Control
- Final Interior Occupancy Inspection
- Final Exterior Inspection


Further information on course details can be found unpon clicking any course name.

Training - The Online Course Application allows an individual to enroll for a seat in OBOA Training Courses available on the "Training Calendar". Following enrollment for a seat in OBOA Training, payment must be made to complete the registration process. When payment has been made, you will receive a confirmation to the email you provided upon enrollment. This confirmation is the final step and includes all the information you require to attend the course. Course confirmations are sent out within a 24-hour schedule including the required information to successfully prepare for your course. If you an OBOA member and you do not receive a confirmation you can check your member's records in the member hub / member servicees and reprint your Training Confirmation and invoice payments. The member hub is a service that requires you to register your email on our website. Member or Non-Member it is important that your email is up to date to receive any correspondence from any OBOA services that we provide.

Virtual Training - has been updated to January 1, 2020, OBC requirements, and runs from 9 am-noon, these are delivered up to ten half-day sessions on the Zoom videoconferencing platform which allows for interactive instruction, that allows reviewing the class recording of the day up to 1 Month from the last day of the course. To add, holding the course over several days, will allow for self-study to occur in between sessions for a blended model of delivery that gives you the ability to get the most out of the course materials.
1. Training invites to students goes out in email the day before class. When registered student's emails pick up training invites from the prior day that may automatically go into their calendar. (Passwords are not needed when a student clicks on the join link in email), ideally, students should bring up any missing email concerns the day before the class, as notifications go out before noon.
Pre-study is a preferred fallback to email, details are sent with original registration and the best way to access training as everything you need is centralized, such as join any training, if applicable view the student manual one week in advance and through the duration of the course, also review the class recording of the day. As a convenience recording expiration dates are attached to each training event (1 months). If a student has not registered their email to access this area they can do that at this time.

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