Benefits of Membership
1. Reduced rates on professional development courses offered by the OBOA. (Chapter's of OBOA and Colleges excluded)
The OBOA's courses are designed assuming that the participants have the prerequisite knowledge to begin the course. In some cases, the prerequisite knowledge is contained in other courses, which should be completed before you begin your chosen course. If you choose not to take the prerequisite course, you should acquire the knowledge through other means. Training Courses are delivered in an adult learning environment. This training is has been developed and intended to be delivered to a larger percentage of what is to be considered municipal building officials, builders, design professionals and other Building Code users, a Ministry recommended timeline is enforced while participating in classes focusing on the building code. Training is delivered in a set environment.
Contact us for training course inquiries
2. Reduced rates on the Annual Meeting & Training Sessions (AMTS). Opportunity to interact with the Building Industry through the Exhibitor Show.
The OBOA is involved in the continuing education of its members and non-members in areas pertaining to the building industry and specifically to the Ontario Building Code.
Some of our members may not be building officials but do tend to be in the building industry in one way or another. (i.e. designers, builders, architects, engineers etc.)
The Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA) holds a Annual Meeting and Training Sessions (AMTS) evey year.
This event facilitates over 30 technical sessions relating to the Building Industry are being offered to OBOA members at this event.
More about AMTS opportunities
3. Opportunities to develop invaluable professional contacts though the national and provincial partnerships maintained through the OBOA.
The OBOA Industry Partners listing is designed to foster communication and strong ongoing relationships and through mutual support recognition and common indusrty goals.
More about industry partners
4. The OBOA advocates effective legislation that promotes a high standard within the building inspection industry.
Building Officials often have a background in a specific construction trade or sufficient work experience in the industry. Many are now acquiring training in architectural or construction technology, engineering or architecture. Building Officials must have a strong knowledge in building codes, construction practices, building science and regulatory procedures as well as possessing written and verbal communication skills. To be appointed as a Building Official, a person must successfully complete the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Examination Program which includes passing a legal/process examination as well a technical exam in the required field of practice. This qualification information must be filed with the Director of the Building Development Branchs.
More about the building inspection industry
5. Participate in legislative review committees that influence and promote building safety.
The Ontario Building Officials Association will annually proclaim May as Building Safety Month across Ontario to bring awareness to the public of the Ontario Building Code, the importance in obtaining building permits and the efforts of municipal building officials. We are also requesting that Municipal Councils issue proclamations recognizing this event. Building Month is promoted and sponsored in cooperation with local Building Department, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Alliance of Canadian Building Officials Association and the building design industry.
More about building safety
6. Receive the OBOA Journal which focuses on fundamental interests, current and upcoming legislation that is of concern to individuals in the building industry.
Each issue of the Journal contains technical features written by persons practicing in the fields of Engineering, Architecture, Construction, Code Enforcement and general Construction in all areas. In addition new product information and new technologies are often featured in the body of the Journal by way of Advertisers and guest columnists.
More about publications
7. The OBOA certification programs offer professional designations for those individuals in the public and private sectors.
For over 50 years the OBOA has played a leading role in the education, training and professional development of Ontario’s municipal Building Officials. The OBOA is committed to maintaining the highest degree of professionalism in the field of Building Code administration and building safety, while promoting uniform code interpretation and enforcement through training and education services, and other related committee work.
More about certification
8. Ability to access Alliance of Canadian Building Officials Association (ACBOA) National Certification program.
Was developed over several years by the Construction Sector Council and Building Officials from across Canada and is based on the National Occupational Standard for Canadian Building Officials which requires a combination of training and practical experience and can be achieved in one or more of three specialties (Housing, Part 9 and Part 3).
More about national certification
9. Access to “Build Right Ontario” considered the premier central resource of Building Code Information.
Considered the premier central resource of Building Code Information. This consolidation is led by a consortium of three building regulatory organizations – OBOA, TACBOC and LMCBO. This website offers technical information, tools, and interpretations for all practitioners working in the sector, such as designers, builders, system suppliers, materials suppliers, professional services, and any others who have a general interest – researchers, the public, and students and those pursuing careers in building regulation. The site is organized to reflect and embrace all of these purposes and users.
More about Build Right Ontario
10. Access to “OBOA/CSA COI, Communities of Interest space” People who follow you can stay updated on what you're doing in the community.
Outside of the OBOA Space, you will be able to explore the CSA Communities as a whole, and interact with subject matter experts, CSA Technical Committee members, as well as members of the public. The CSA Communities platform is an excellent tool for networking, communicating, and keeping abreast of the latest standards development work being undertaken at CSA Group. We hope you will enjoy exploring the many useful features of the CSA Communities!
More about OBOA/CSA COI, Communities of Interest space